Friday, October 23, 2009

Magic Mouse

Apple recently released a new mouse. So what, right? Just another mouse among many mice. Wrong. It's sleek, futuristic design may seem only aesthetic at first, but look closer and you'll realize that this mouse has no buttons to click. It's a cutting edge idea and could possibly make interacting with a desktop computer much easier and more functional. While those who use Apple products are aware of the double finger swipe ideas on the MacBook, some may not be. One can use two fingers simultaneously swiping down to scroll through any page. This feature transfers over onto the mouse as well. Another feature some users are familiar with is the 'pinching feature' on the iTouch and iPhone. While moving two fingers in opposite directions allows you to zoom in on a page, moving them together in a pinching motion allows you to zoom out to get a better grasp of what the text on a smaller screen is saying. Unfortunately, this pinch feature is only transferable when one holds the command button on their Mac. Holding command and clicking the mouse bar on a laptop is the equivalent of a right click on a P.C. This is a slight drawback and requires more motion and effort than other models on the market. Another drawback is the fact that the Magic Mouse is so sleek, that many users might find it difficult at first. This is really not that big of a deal, considering we all had 'fat fingers' when touch technology first came out. A little getting used to and a few tweaks, and I believe this could be the new design for future models. Sure P.C. users might argue the fact that there is no technical right click, but given a try at it, and I'd bet they'll get over it. At a retail price of only $69, it wont break your bank, but you'll probably want to give it a look before you buy it.